Heli Koskela appointed as Clinical Solution Advisor for Medanets

Heli Koskela appointed as Clinical Solution Advisor for Medanets

The experienced clinical solution expert wants to help our customers in the UK and elsewhere get the most out of our solutions. Heli started in her job in October. 

Although Heli has spent most of her professional career with IT solutions like electronic health records, her background is in nursing. She studied nursing in her home country, Finland, but as she has been living in England for almost 25 years, she has experience from working as a nurse both in NHS and private hospitals. In 2003, Heli got interested in hospital information systems and ended up working for an NHS Trust IT department in the heart of London. During her career, Heli has acquired versatile knowledge on healthcare IT: she has been an electronic health record user as a nurse, trained her colleagues as a Digital Trainer, and assisted with electronic health record implementations. She has also worked for a leading EHR provider in a sales support role for a long time – conveniently, the same EHR provider Medanets has an integration with.  

“I wanted to find a role where I get to use my background in nursing and healthcare IT” 

Heli Koskela

Heli is excited about her new role at Medanets where she gets to combine her expertise in nursing and healthcare IT. ‘At Medanets, I want to help our customers design the best possible workflows with the help of our solutions and partner systems. This way, our customers can maximise the return on the investment they have made into these systems – and this yields a better experience for both the healthcare professionals and the patients. The Medanets solutions have been proven to help providers achieve better clinical outcomes. I was looking for a role just like this, where I get to utilise all the experience I’ve gathered so far’, Heli says. ‘I want to help make the changes that are necessary for our healthcare systems to function in the future. That’s why I’m really looking forward to what we can achieve together with our customers and partners in the UK and elsewhere.’ 

Heli works for Medanets from her home, an old Victorian style house in Surrey that she shares with her British husband and a cat. In her free time, Heli enjoys gardening, which helps her find a balance after working in front of a computer. 


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