Improving quality with ISO 13485 certification

Improving quality with ISO 13485 certification

The basis of devices and related services used in healthcare is that safety is not compromised. Patient’s well-being is the priority number one and the device/service must work in accordance with its purpose. For this reason, within the industry there are quality standards and systems that can be used to ensure compliance with safety regulations.

ISO 13485 is the most widely used quality management system which defines quality standards for medical devices and related services. Medanets solutions have been ISO 13485 certified since 2010, and the latest certification renewal took place last week. We got a special mention, among other things, on how we are applying the ISO 13485 requirements into our daily operations.

The system brings quality to our activities, improves risk management and helps to increase efficiency. We consider our on time delivery as one example of the system’s functionality.


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