Medanets is Now Available in the UK and Ireland

Medanets is Now Available in the UK and Ireland

We strongly believe that we can bring value to healthcare professionals in the UK and Ireland, which is why we have now made our solution available also in these markets.

Our decision to enter the UK and Irish markets is based on market review and the value it would bring customers. It would help our customers to gain in efficiency of care and clinical safety by moving to a point-of-care mobile healthcare workflow.

Our offering aligns with the NHS long term vision and would enable clients to achieve digitally enabled care outlined in its vision. Our intuitive solution would help empower clinicians by reducing the administrative burden by embedding data capture within the clinicians workflow and enhance safety by identifying deteriorating patients earlier.

Responding to Market Needs

Whilst many countries in Europe may be ahead in digitisation in healthcare, the UK and Ireland have been ahead in adoption of clinical safety measures like EWS.  Early warning scores (EWS) were developed in acute hospital settings to improve recognition and response to patient deterioration. In 2012, the UK Royal College of Physicians developed the National Early Warning Score (NEWS) to standardise EWS across the NHS and was widely adopted as across the NHS as early as 2015.

We have made significant improvements to our solution to bring value to our customers in this market. For example, Medanets offering now supports all EWS types used in the market like NEWS1&2, MEOWS, PEWS scales and SEPSIS Screening.


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