Medanets User Days 2018

Medanets User Days 2018

This year’s Medanets User Days were held in April in Tampere. The event gathered participants from nine different hospital districts around Finland. The ultimate purpose of the two-day event was to give participants an opportunity to influence the future of healthcare professionals’ mobile tools, create a place for networking and share expertise, advices and knowledge. In addition to the official program, we also remembered to have fun in Medanets-style!

The event was successful and the feedback we received has been heart-warming. Participants found it useful to hear about existing opportunities, future visions as well as experiences and practices of other organizations. They were also pleased to be able to have an influence on the future of the mobile point-of-care solutions. We at Medanets are very keen to start developing further the new ideas that emerged during the event.

Thank you again for the participants, and let’s do it again next year!


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