In Jyväskylä City Hospital, all medication administration entries are documented

In Jyväskylä City Hospital, all medication administration entries are documented

The guideline has been imposed to improve medication safety. To facilitate the process, the hospital has acquired the Medanets mobile app’s medication feature.

Improving medication safety is the goal

In Jyväskylä, long-term work has been done to develop pharmacotherapy processes and medication safety. The paper-free operating method has been in use for a long time, which means that, for example, printed lists of medications have been given up entirely, in some units up to two years ago. The hospital also has a guideline that all administered medications must be documented in the EHR. Starting in September 2022, the Medanets app has been used to assist this process.

According to Jyväskylä City Hospital’s Ward Pharmacist Anu Saavalainen, the Medanets app has been a good and long-awaited addition to the transition towards a world of real-time medication information. “Pharmacotherapy processes, medication safety and the documentation of medication information are my responsibilities. For a long time, I have wanted to introduce the Medanets medication feature in our hospital. If medication information is documented with a piece of paper or based on memory, there is a greater chance of error.”

Feedback from the field has been great

The wards have received the medication feature extremely well. “We have heard very good feedback from the field. Nurses have been pleased with, for example, having the medication information with them at all times. If a patient asks what medication they are getting, the nurse can check it immediately from Medanets. Previously, the nurse had to rely on their memory or run back to the workstation to check it,” says Saavalainen.

If a patient asks what medication they are getting, the nurse can check it immediately from Medanets. Previously, the nurse had to rely on their memory or run back to the workstation to check it.”

Anu Saavalainen, Ward Pharmacist, Jyväskylä City Hospital

According to feedback, documentation is smooth when you can do it immediately in the treatment situation alongside other work: An administration entry done with Medanets is directly stored in the EHR. Previously, nurses had to remember to document administration entries separately on the computer. Time was also wasted on logging in to computers because every nurse has to log in to the computer with their own credentials. The same user cannot stay logged in on the same computer for the entire day.

Generally speaking, the use of the Medanets app has been easy to learn, and many wards were already familiar with the app from other workflows not related to medication. Thanks to this, the use of the medication feature started actively right after the basic trainings. “The wards have appointed Medanets main users who provide hands-on help for using the app, if necessary. As a result, the use has reached a nice level also on the wards that in the beginning had challenges with adopting the new way of working,” says Saavalainen. In the first two months, the use of the medication feature has increased even further.


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