Medanets joins Finnish high-level visit to Norway
Medanets has been invited to join a high-level visit to Norway. This is a unique opportunity to explore cooperation opportunities and showcase Finnish innovations on a Nordic stage.
Medanets now supports Martha’s rule
In the Medanets app, Martha's rule is available as a separate assessment in the Clinical Forms feature, but it can also be accommodated into the EWS.
Sneak Peek: New login alternative available
We support many alternative ways to authenticate the user and log in to the Medanets app. Now, we have added a new login alternative to the repertoire: Session PIN for the duration of the shift.
Sneak Peek: Elevating the Medanets app to the Next Level
Guided by our core value of wanting to be the best, our aim is to make the 5th generation of our app even more intuitive and user friendly.
Record-breaking Medanets User Days in Oulu
The two days, attended by a record-breaking number of nearly 90 participants from over 30 organisations, were full of interesting presentations from our customers and partners.
Medanets Checklists: Efficiency and safety in healthcare
The goal of the wellbeing services county is to improve efficiency and patient safety by using electronic checklists. They want to get rid of paper checklists and the associated privacy risks.
Customer experiences with the Medanets Patient Card
As a result of the pilot, the decision was made to implement the Patient card across the service units of the Turku University Hospital. See the pilot feedback!
Implementing risk assessment tools: A success story from a Finnish discharge unit
A discharge unit introduced a policy to complete FRAT and MNA for all clients upon admission. Success required a shift in mindset and a willingness to learn new things.
Sneak Peek: More doctors’ workflows on mobile
We have enhanced our solution again to better fulfil clinicians' needs for mobility.
Sneak Peek: Dark mode coming soon!
Get ready for a chic, eye-friendly experience!
Satakunta region in Western Finland expands the use of Medanets into primary healthcare
The Medanets application has been used by the Satakunta wellbeing services county’s specialised healthcare for almost a decade, and now, it's also becoming part of everyday work in primary care. The aim is to streamline workflows and harmonise care documentation across the region.