Medanets joins Finnish high-level visit to Norway
Medanets has been invited to join a high-level visit to Norway. This is a unique opportunity to explore cooperation opportunities and showcase Finnish innovations on a Nordic stage.
Aiming for improved patient safety – the Wellbeing Services County of Northern Savonia invests in cooperation between operators
The Wellbeing Services County of Northern Savonia carries out continuous, multidisciplinary work to improve patient safety. Medanets, the supplier of the mobile solution for nursing used in the wellbeing services county, is involved in the development.
The Medanets app helps standardise nursing workflows
A mobile tool that guides the work and supports decision-making will reduce variance and help ensure consistent quality of care.
Breaking new ground: The Wellbeing Services County of Kymenlaakso uses Medanets in short-term rehabilitation care units
The Wellbeing Services County of Kymenlaakso has extensive experience of using Medanets; the hospitals of the county have used the app since 2015. In December 2022, the use of the app was extended to short-term rehabilitation care units providing social services. The workers feel that the app has made the activities more agile.
Seeking emergency care only when needed –supporting the elderly care at home with technology-assisted consultations
The Wellbeing Services County of North Ostrobothnia, Finland, decided to invest in the development of standard practices to improve consultation for caregivers supporting the elderly in living at home. Mari Taivaloja, Head of the Responsible Unit from the shared competence centre for services for the elderly, discussed some of the experiences of her organisation at the Medanets User Days at the end of March.
Food for thought in the Medanets User Days – driving improvements in healthcare through innovation
At the Medanets User Days, we always invite our customers to brainstorm and innovate around key challenges in the healthcare systems. This year, the discussion revolved around challenges we face in healthcare outside the hospital.
The Turku University Hospital’s Neurocenter makes versatile use of smartphones in nursing
Medanets Medication solution has significantly improved the work of nurses and helped to ensure patient safety in Turku University Hospital’s Neurocenter.
2023 User Days in Helsinki
An international group of Medanets customers gathered together to exchange experiences and greetings.
Bedre pleie med teknologi – Hvordan lykkes vi? Legemiddeladministrering som eksempel
Alle helseorganisasjoner har som mål å forbedre pleieprosesser ved hjelp av teknologi. Hvorfor er dette så vanskelig, og hva kan vi gjøre for å avhjelpe situasjonen?
What to Do When the Electronic Health Record Goes Down?
Electronic Health Records have enabled significant change to the healthcare system as patient data can be found in aggregated electronic form instead of among piles of paper. But what happens when such systems crash? Will the whole foundation of patient safety crash?
Up-to-date Data Is Vital to Patient Safety
In order to ensure high quality of treatment and patient safety, the nursing staff must have the required information present exactly when it is needed. This means immediate access to vital information related to the patient’s care. The information must also be adequately comprehensive, unambiguous and ready to use.