Satakunta region in Western Finland expands the use of Medanets into primary healthcare

The Medanets application has been used by the Satakunta wellbeing services county’s specialised healthcare for almost a decade, and now, it’s also becoming part of everyday work in primary care. The aim is to streamline workflows and harmonise care documentation across the region.

Staff look forward to getting the app

As part of the national reform in social and healthcare, the Satakunta region is harmonising the EHR systems and other digital tools they use. Thanks to this development, the Medanets app will now also be made available to primary care. “The use of Medanets is well established in the region within our specialised healthcare, and we definitely want to keep the app for years to come. In the units to which the use is now being extended, there is a lot of anticipation for the arrival of the application, because the staff have heard so many positive things about its benefits from their colleagues in specialised healthcare,” say application experts Elisa Ranne and Sirkku Blomgren.

Aiming for smooth workflow and high-quality documentation

The region aims to harmonise documentation practices and streamline care work. Uniform documentation practices facilitate the flow of information between different units and reduce errors, as everyone follows the same principles. This improves the quality of care and ensures that patient information is reliably available to support treatment decisions.

“In addition to harmonising documentation practices, the aim is to streamline workflows. Streamlining workflows has become an important focus area in the region: we want to make work smoother. Thanks to the app,

we are finally getting rid of paper forms. At the same time, we reduce the risk of making documentation errors, as the data is directly stored in the EHR,” Ranne and Blomgren explain.

The change process needs to be supported

Although the response to the arrival of the application is positive and expectant, achieving the set objectives requires support for change. “We need the right attitude to make the implementation a success. We also expect that as the use of the app increases, the Medanets Admin UI will provide us timely reports of the wards’ activities to support our decision making”, say Ranne and Blomgren.

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