Where to Meet Us This Fall?

Where to Meet Us This Fall?

This fall you can meet us at the following events:

Sjuksköterskans dag, 10.9.2019 | Stockholm*

Park Annual, 26.9.2019 | Gothenburg

ICT Forum by CGI, 10.-11.10.2019 | Helsinki

Turku Medical Days, 6.-7.11.2019 | Turku

eHiN, 12.-13.11.2019 | Oslo

Hosit, 14.11.2019 | Stockholm*

Digisote, 19.-20.11.2019 | Helsinki*

Medication Special, 27.-28.11.2019 | Helsinki

Medinnovation Skåne, 3.12.2019 | Lund*

 *The Medanets crew will be present without a booth. To ensure meeting us, please arrange an appointment in advance: medanets@medanets.com.


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