Medanets joins Finnish high-level visit to Norway
Medanets has been invited to join a high-level visit to Norway. This is a unique opportunity to explore cooperation opportunities and showcase Finnish innovations on a Nordic stage.
Mobil medisinering i Mellersta Finland
Målet med mobil medisinering i Mellersta Finland sykehusdistrikt er å gjøre behandling med legemidler tryggere, fremme CLMA (closed loop medication process) i behandling med legemidler og sørge for raskere registrering av legemiddelbruk.
The first hospital district in Finland implements the Medanets messaging solution
Siun sote is the first hospital district in Finland to implement the Medanets messaging solution that is designed for clinical work.
Updates to the Admin UI administration and reporting tool
Improved administration of the Medanets environment and faster service? Yes, please! We have updated our Admin UI tool with a view to making our solutions even more adaptable to different needs and practices.
Automatically created care activities guide work
The care activities support the workflows and memory – if they are automated, the process becomes even more streamlined.
Study: Lightweight IT solutions can support heavyweight healthcare information systems
The success of the Medanets implementation project was evaluated in a scientific study focussing on the integration of lightweight and heavyweight IT solutions and the organisational changes they can bring about. Not only did the implementation project meet its predefined objectives, but also had unexpected positive effects on the implementing organisation as a whole.
Special Interest Group (m-SIG) on mobility planned!
Express your interest to join our Special Interest Group on Mobility (m-SIG) to share, learn & collaborate!
Identifying high-risk patients in emergency care
Harmonious metrics are one of the cornerstones of patient safety in emergency care. They help to identify high-risk patients the fastest.
EWS improves patient’s prognosis
Up to 80% of in-hospital adverse events are preceded by hours of critical disorders of the basic vital functions. Electronic EWS improves the patient's prognosis.
Reducing medication administration errors through the electronic verification of the 5 rights
The concise 15-page eBook brings together facts and figures on medication administration errors and describes the closed loop medication process.
Tre Nordlandssykehus sparer tid og forbedrer kvaliteten ved hjelp av Sjekklister
Arbeidet med å overføre sjekklister fra papir til mobil pågår fortsatt ved sykehuset. Alle lister som fylles ut og lagres på mobil, overføres direkte til den elektroniske pasientjournalen i DIPS, også når listen ikke er komplett.