Medanets joins Finnish high-level visit to Norway
Medanets has been invited to join a high-level visit to Norway. This is a unique opportunity to explore cooperation opportunities and showcase Finnish innovations on a Nordic stage.
The Lapland Central Hospital Emergency Clinic Introduced the Medanets Application
The Lapland Central Hospital Emergency Clinic is utilising the Medanets application for the real-time recording of patient data, but also for automatic data transfers from patient monitors.
Current: Turku University Hospital Is Piloting Medanets for Patients
Turku University Hospital is piloting Medanets for Patients allowing haemodialysis patients to make measurements by themselves in their homes.
Massive Medanets Implementations at the Central Hospital of Päijät-Häme
The Central Hospital of Päijät-Häme in Lahti implemented Medanets application in ten wards this fall. The mobile solution is expected to streamline work and improve patient safety.
The New K Wing of South Karelia Central Hospital Optimises the Time Factor with Mobile Recording of Patient Data
The new K Wing of South Karelia Central Hospital has been phased in. The K wing wards utilise auxiliary instrumentation in line with current technology, which allows the browsing and filing of patient data via mobile device immediately while with the patient.
Tampere University Hospital Introduced Mobile NEWS System
Tampere University Hospital introduced National Early Warning Score (NEWS) system by utilising Medanets application at more than ten inpatient wards.
Kuopio University Hospital introduces several different application features at once
Kuopio University Hospital (KUH) introduced the point-of-care mobile filing application developed by Medanets. The application has already been well used with a great number of entries made at the units.
Mobile Medication Feature Improves Patient Safety in Southwest Finland
The Hospital District of Southwest Finland is the first Finnish special healthcare operator to expansively introduce point-of-care mobile medication feature. Through this feature
Digital Nurses Talk about Their Mobile Experiences
The Hospital District of Southwest Finland has been using Medanets mobile point-of-care solutions since 2015. Now the users of these mobile solutions, or digital caregivers, are talking about the suitability of mobile tools to their care giving routines.
A New Intended Use for Mobile Documentation in the Central Finland Health Care District
The Central Finland Health Care District (CFHCD) has expanded the use of Medanets solutions. During 2017, access was expanded to new units and some new functions were also introduced. In addition to these changes, a new intended use for mobile documentation was discovered.
Soite Access to Medanets Mobile Documentation
Medanets and the Central Ostrobothnia Joint Municipal Authority for Social and Health Care (Soite) have concluded a contract covering the introduction of mobile documentation. The first units have already begun to use the solution.