Sneak Peek: More doctors‘ workflows on mobile

We have enhanced our solution again to better fulfil clinicians‘ needs for mobility.

The whole admission workflow on mobile

To deliver a solution for a customer need – managing the admission workflow smoothly on mobile – we have brought together two of our core features – Care Activities and Worklists.

With this new enhancement in place, you can place an order for ‚referral for admission‘ in the Care Activities feature. This will populate the admission worklist. You can also see the history of the order, including comments from other specialists who have treated the patient, and hence, be able to manage the whole admission workflow on mobile.

Patient lists based on speciality

Specialist doctors may have patients in their own speciality across different wards in the hospital. Speciality-based patient lists on mobile make the work of doctors much easier and faster, as they can check the location of their patients on the mobile app while on the move. At the same time, they get rid of paper lists that have earlier been necessary to support their memory. The use of the mobile app improves efficiency, as the information is easily accessible in the pocket, not only on desktop anymore.

SSpecialty-specific patient lists can be accessed based on the user’s role, which is selected at login. The list encompasses patients across the whole hospital. The doctor can also log into the application based on location, i.e. to a specific ward.

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