Sneak Peek: Workflow enhancements to improve user experience  

Sneak Peek: Workflow enhancements to improve user experience  

We will make several improvements to our solution over the course of this and next year. 

More dynamic EWS and sepsis screening workflows 

A couple of changes to the EWS and sepsis screening workflows will make them more dynamic than before and thus more helpful to the user: 

  • Until now, an overall EWS score that has exceeded the set threshold value has triggered sepsis screening. A recent change in the app makes it possible to configure the tool so that also an individual parameter of the EWS calculation process triggers sepsis screening. 
  • Soon, we can show different Decision prompts for the same numerical scores, depending on if the user has raised any additional concerns within the process.  
  • We will also be able to modify the Decision prompts based on location (e.g., hospital or ward). 
  • The new EWS result list view will include all parameters documented at the same time with the EWS, also those which are not included in the EWS calculation, such as information regarding supplemental oxygen or urine output. 

Sepsis screening compliance enhancement 

This relatively small change will significantly improve the nurses‘ user experience: we have developed suppression rules for the sepsis screening workflow in the app. Now, the sepsis screening tool will not be launched if the screening has been completed within the last 24 hours or if the patient has an ongoing sepsis treatment. By customer request, the sepsis screening process can also be enforced so that the user must complete it. 


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