Critical information available at your fingertips: The benefits of the Patient Card

Critical information available at your fingertips: The benefits of the Patient Card

Basic patient information and treatment considerations delivered directly to healthcare professionals’ mobile devices!  The Medanets Patient Card solution streamlines daily nursing work and helps to maintain a comprehensive view, as the experience of nurse Sarah in a fictional, yet realistic story, shows in the example below.

When minutes count: the Patient Card solution supports nurse Sarah in a hospital ward

A fictional, yet realistic story.

One busy morning in a hospital ward, nurse Sarah is alerted to a patient who is deteriorating rapidly. The patient is an elderly man with a number of underlying medical conditions, and his breathing has suddenly become difficult. Sarah quickly starts to assess the situation.

The Patient Card solution allows Sarah to instantly check basic patient information, such as allergies and treatment limits, directly from her mobile device without leaving the patient’s side. She can see that the patient has a history of chronic lung disease and that the patient is allergic to a particular antibiotic.

At the same time, she notices that the patient’s recent laboratory results suggest a possible infection. Because the Patient Card solution integrates seamlessly with the Electronic Health Record, Sarah always has the most up-to-date information on her mobile device, helping her make a quick and accurate assessment of the patient’s situation.

Sarah quickly notifies the doctor, and the team takes immediate action, considering the patient’s risk information and up-to-date lab results. The patient’s condition is stabilised and further treatment can be planned efficiently.

“A useful addition to the app’s features”

The Medanets Patient Card feature has received positive feedback from healthcare professionals, particularly for its ease of use and well-executed overall design. Nurses appreciate the ability to check risk information, diagnoses and lab results right next to the patient without leaving the patient’s room. One user of the solution described the Patient Card as “a handy addition to the app’s features”, while another highlighted its practicality: “It’s very convenient to be able to check underlying conditions and risk information right next to the patient.”

However, users pointed out an important observation: the Patient Card feature is only beneficial if all relevant information is updated in the Electronic Health Record. For patient safety, it is vital that all professionals follow consistent documentation practices and ensure that patient information is up to date. This way, the Patient Card supports the broader goal of using mobile solutions in the first place.

Integrations with laboratory systems

You will get the most out of this tool for supporting care and patient safety, when integrations are implemented for all parts of the Patient Card. In particular, the availability of laboratory results may require a separate integration.

In Electronic Health Records such as Lifecare and Millennium, the laboratory system is built in, allowing full implementation of the Patient Card feature right away. In other cases, Medanets can integrate the feature with separate laboratory systems, such as the already implemented Fimlab system.

Tip: laboratory results can also be used in conjunction with other features of the Medanets app. For example, the app automatically retrieves laboratory test variables used in  sepsis screening from the laboratory system. This speeds up the detection of sepsis detection and improves the efficiency of the screening!


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