South Ostrobothnia to expand the use of the Medanets solution

South Ostrobothnia to expand the use of the Medanets solution

Medanets has been used in South Ostrobothnia, Finland, for more than 10 years. Slightly different sets of Medanets features are used at the Seinäjoki Central Hospital, the Suupohja health and social services centre and now also at the Järvi-Pohjanmaa health and social services centre. For next year, the plan is to expand the use to all of the South Ostrobothnia wellbeing services county’s health and social services centres that have a ward. In addition, all units are set to start using Medanets Medication.

In the Järvi-Pohjanmaa region, the Medanets app was introduced in August. According to Anna Ylitalo, the Service Manager of the Järvi-Pohjanmaa health and social services centre’s acute ward and hospital at home, the goal of the introduction was to make the work of nurses easier. During the first phase, the centre started using Medanets Observation Values. Medanets Medication will be introduced later. “Previously, we recorded the values first on paper and then on a computer,” Ylitalo says. “We wanted to increase the time nurses have for actual patient care and avoid overlapping documentation. The ability to view the recorded values almost in real time in the patient information system and the mobile app also makes the work of doctors easier.”

User experiences have been very positive

“The introduction went very well! The staff liked the training provided by Medanets, which was smooth, clear and quick,” Ylitalo says. After about a month of using the app, user experiences have been very positive. Already, staff feel that using the Medanets app saves time and frees them up for actual work with patients. “The feedback from the field has been very positive. The Medanets app is clear and easy to use. Even people who consider themselves slower at learning how to use new IT solutions feel that using the app has been very easy and clear since the beginning,” Ylitalo says.


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