Medanets joins Finnish high-level visit to Norway
Medanets has been invited to join a high-level visit to Norway. This is a unique opportunity to explore cooperation opportunities and showcase Finnish innovations on a Nordic stage.
The first hospital district in Finland implements the Medanets messaging solution
Siun sote is the first hospital district in Finland to implement the Medanets messaging solution that is designed for clinical work.
Nordland hospitals save time and improve quality with Checklists
Transforming the checklist procedures from paper to mobile is on-going at the Nordland hospitals. All lists that are filled in and saved on mobile are directly transferred to the DIPS electronic health record, also when the list is not yet complete.
City of Oulu pilots the EWS feature of Medanets in mobile work
City of Oulu uses the Early Warning Score to evaluate the condition of home care customers. The mobile solution has made the process smoother.
The use of Medanets is on the rise in Sweden – 14 hospitals have already implemented the mobile app
The Medanets mobile app for nursing landed in Sweden in 2017 as Region Västra Götaland (VGR) introduced the solution to its hospitals. Since then, the mobile solution has become an integral part of their nursing workflows. Besides VGR, the interest towards the Medanets solution has increased also elsewhere in Sweden.
From notes on paper to mobile app: experiences one year later
The Medanets solutions were introduced to Nordland Hospital in 2020 and are now used in 25 wards. This has reduced their use of paper by 98 %. According to a recent survey made by the hospital, the end users are very happy with the app.
Medanets’ messaging solution in a successful pilot
Medanets has carried out a successful pilot of its new feature during the autumn 2021. The pilot concerned the use of the messaging feature of the Medanets app at home-care and centralised service housing units for both nurse-nurse and nurse-doctor messaging.
Medanets’ mobile app brings medication safety to a new level
The University Hospitals of Turku, Tampere and Kuopio in Finland uses the Medanets app to contribute safe pharmacotherapy.
A significant new customer in Northern Europe
Medanets has brought in a significant new customer. A healthcare region in Northern Europe will start using Medanets’ nursing app solution in more than 100 wards.
“Medanets works well in every location” – Mikkeli Home Hospital in Finland uses the mobile solution when visiting patients
Customers are surprised by how easy it is to transfer information.
The Medanets theme week inspires using the mobile solution – use expands to cover the entire hospital district in south-east Finland
The purpose of the Medanets theme week is to accelerate the use of the solution to make a good start while also spreading a good feeling. Following the expansion, the agreement between the healthcare district Kymsote and Medanets covers 650 beds across the entire hospital district.