The Wellbeing Services County of Central Finland

Medanets’ Monitored patients solution has streamlined nursing within the specialised medical care provision of Central Finland’s wellbeing services county.

The Medanets Medication solution, in turn, has been widely adopted throughout the organisation, with the aim of improving medication safety.

In addition to the Monitored patients and Medication solutions, the organisation also uses Medanets Observation values, Early Warning Score (EWS), and Clinical forms. The mobile solutions have been adopted throughout the wellbeing services county, from Central Hospital Nova to local health centres.

Automated data flow makes looking after monitored patients easier

The organisation launched its use of the Medanets Monitored patients solution on the neonatal ward. The staff on the ward care for babies who were born prematurely or otherwise require specialist care, all of whom require intensive monitoring and are therefore constantly attached to patient monitors.

Use of the solution has been expanded, and as of 2023, it is being used to collect measurement data from more than 200 patient monitors. The Medanets Monitored patients solution is used in a range of settings, including the emergency outpatient clinic, the emergency and infection ward, the cardiac ward and for cardiac monitoring, and on the internal medicine and pulmonary diseases ward.

Single sign-on policy

Prior to adopting the Medanets solution, measurement results from monitors were sent to a central display in the ward’s office. However, the data then had to be manually transferred to the Electronic Health Record. Thanks to the Medanets solution, these results can now be transferred with just a few taps.

Automatically transferring results from the patient monitors to the EHR once the nurses have carried out their checks aligns with the principles that form the basis of our development work. Our goal is to automate operations and promote the use of the single sign-on principle. Each year, many of our units carry out a huge amount of manual documentation.

Satu Pitkänen, App Expert, the wellbeing services county of Central Finland

In 2023, the wellbeing services county makes more than 200,000 monitor documentation entries a month.

Streamlining nursing

Reducing the number of documentation errors – or even eliminating them entirely – improves patient safety. Ritva Sipponen, Head Nurse of the neonatal ward, states that automatic preset control values also improve patient safety. Sipponen adds that the option to transfer the data of several children into the EHR at once has also helped streamline nursing operations.

The healthcare professionals working on the wards are also aware that while the app is intended to help them with documentation, human supervision of patients remains just as important as ever.


Up-to-date, seamless documentation of medication administrations

This wellbeing services county was the first to adopt the Medanets Medication solution on a wide scale. Approximately 2,500 medication administration entries are made each day in the organisation using the app. This technology, designed to support pharmacotherapy, was developed in collaboration with the services county and their EHR supplier TietoEvry.

Central Hospital Nova was the first to adopt the Medanets Medication solution, using it to promote the closed loop medication process and with the aim of streamlining documentation of pharmacotherapy while also improving medication safety. The implementation was carried out at a moderate pace, resulting in a smooth introduction and high satisfaction among the nurses using the tool.

The Medanets Medication solution is also being used in primary healthcare, for example at Jyväskylä City Hospital. Instead of medication administration entries being documented on a separate computer, they can now be entered using the mobile app, without having to even leave the patient’s side. The ability to check a patient’s medication in nearly real time is a feature of the solution that those at Jyväskylä City Hospital value highly.