Sepsis screening
The feature makes sepsis screening a smooth part of the routine care workflow, speeding up the detection of sepsis and the start of the right treatment.
This helps improve the patient’s prognosis, reduce the need for intensive care and shorten the hospital stay.
The workflow and criteria for determining the screening result are based on scientific research. The criteria can vary by patient group, for example based on age, and these can all be implemented in the Medanets app. Examples of models in use include qSofa and Red/Amber Flag screening. In addition, workflows can be adapted to accommodate the customer’s local practice.
The sepsis screening process and escalation algorithm can be embedded in the EWS workflow to help improve compliance to screening and reduce triage-to-intervention time. The feature can use previously documented vital signs and laboratory results automatically. Sepsis screening can also be performed as a separate assessment in Medanets Clinical forms.

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