The Care Activities feature supports work and acts as a checklist during a shift. The mobile app shows the user orders and activities related to the patients and lets the user mark them as done.
We are currently working on further developing this feature, and now care activities can be created directly in the mobile app. Care activities can be created by a nurse or a doctor. The feature can be used, for example, in ad hoc situations, where a user identifies a need for a particular activity and wants to remind colleagues about it.
Always up-to-date on activities
As a shift goes on, the mobile app will remind the user about future and potentially overdue activities. The nurse or doctor carries out the care activities of the patient they are responsible for.
The app also automatically creates activities: for example, it can create a new EWS measurement activity on the basis of the results of the previous measurement. The Care Activities feature gathers information from various sources, such as the electronic health record, patient monitors, third-party systems and the Medanets app itself.
Care activities are updated to the app in real time and integrated as part of the dashboard.
The feature will become available in 2022 and will first be implemented for a large international customer during the first half of the year.