
Medanets joins Finnish high-level visit to Norway

Medanets has been invited to join a high-level visit to Norway. This is a unique opportunity to explore cooperation opportunities and showcase Finnish innovations on a Nordic stage.

Kundengeschichten, Nachricht

Medanets’ messaging solution in a successful pilot

Medanets has carried out a successful pilot of its new feature during the autumn 2021. The pilot concerned the use of the messaging feature of the Medanets app at home-care and centralised service housing units for both nurse-nurse and nurse-doctor messaging.


Sneak Peek: Worklists

The Worklists feature enhances the allocation of tasks and resources within a ward, unit, or the entire hospital.


Sepsis screening with the help of Medanets app

The Medanets solution can present key sepsis screening questions to the end user as within the EWS process. It enables early detection and improved efficiency of sepsis screening.

Auf Deutsch, Nachricht

Die Medanets Pflege-App kann zum Lernen in der Ausbildung eingesetzt werden

Die Medanets Pflege-App wird in mehreren Bildungseinrichtungen zum Lernen eingesetzt, beispielsweise im Rahmen der Ausbildung zur Krankenschwester/-pfleger. Repräsentanten dreier finnischer Fachhochschulen berichten über ihre Erfahrungen mit Medanets in der Ausbildung.