We want to offer our customers a best-of-breed instant messaging solution for healthcare. With the help of customers acting as developer partners, we are able to ensure that the solution provides genuine added value to customers right from the start.
Our customers are the experts in their field and the realities of clinical work. This is why the whole Medanets mobile app has been developed in cooperation with healthcare professionals – and the messaging solution that integrates with the app is no exception. We have asked some of our customers in Finland and Norway to help us determine the most critical elements of a messaging tool used in clinical work.
Key Elements of a Messaging Tool in Clinical Work
Obviously, a key feature in any communication tool is the ability to notify the recipient of a new message. However, a constant stream of notifications could be highly disruptive in clinical work. With this fact in mind, we are developing a possibility to manage notifications to our messaging solution.
This means that the sender can decide who will receive a notification of a new message sent to a communication channel. This way, the messaging tool helps to draw the right people’s attention to the right message.
Another equally important feature is the option to see if the recipient has read a message. This is particularly crucial during busy times. For instance, a notification of receipt might give nursing staff an added sense of security, knowing that their message has reached a doctor even if they have not been able to respond to the message yet. This saves nurses the trouble of making phone calls to reach a doctor, or look for them in vain while busy with other tasks.
Along with patient- and ward-specific communication channels, our customers have asked for a possibility to freely create own communication channels for functional groups. These can be joined and left flexibly, depending on the situation. Flexibility is key, because functional groups do not necessarily work in a fixed location and the team members may change from one situation to the next.
Everything depends on data security. Communication services in the field of healthcare contain plenty of confidential patient information. Medanets’ messaging solution is specifically aimed at supporting and improving communication within clinical care teams. Applications aimed at the general public, such as WhatsApp are, therefore, not suitable. Medanets’ clinical messaging solution connects healthcare personnel in a secure and robust manner. It complies with general data protection regulation (GDPR) and applies all security and authorisation requirements. Data is stored in either the customer’s own information systems, or carefully documented and saved in a central service within Europe, managed by Medanets also in this case.
Stay tuned – Medanets‘ messaging solution for healthcare professionals will be available soon!