Medanets, Imprivata and CSIT organised a joint webinar on the mobile revolution of healthcare in March. At the webinar, nurses Jenna Järvinen and Pomeliina Saarinen from Kanta-Häme Central Hospital spoke about their journey towards mobile healthcare. The best bits of the webinar are summarised here.
You can watch the webinar here (in Finnish)
Mobile solutions will permanently transform healthcare in Finland and abroad – it is only a matter of time when proven tools will be used in everywhere. We could say that a mobile revolution is underway in healthcare.
The problems of old working methods are solved through mobile tools
A working method that uses memory, pencil and paper has issues. The possibility of errors increases and time is wasted on unnecessary administrative work.
From the time before Medanets, we remember looking for pencil and paper, duplicate entries, and sometimes even documenting values in the wrong patient’s records. We both have only positive experiences of Medanets!
nurses Jenna Järvinen and Pomeliina Saarinen, Kanta-Häme Central Hospital
The nurses add that thanks to the mobile solution, data is more extensively available when the nurse is with the patient:
When you can see previous data comprehensively, the patient’s needs and questions can be answered immediately.
Another challenge has been that there are so many apps, usernames and passwords. To ensure data protection and patient safety, you always need to log out of all apps and lock the device. Joint credentials are prohibited. Logging in takes a lot of time every day. Imprivata’s single sign-on solution is of crucial help in this respect. “During the test use, I felt that Imprivata’s single sign-on solution works,” Pomeliina Saarinen says.
Pomeliina Saarinen and Jenna Järvinen work at the Kanta-Häme Central Hospital’s internal medicine emergency ward, where lots of isolation patients are treated. During the pandemic, the ward has been a COVID-19 ward. The work involves a lot of logging in to information systems and recording data.
Medanets is very useful in treating isolation patients. A phone protected with plastic film is taken to the isolation patient’s room, and it stays in the patient’s room throughout the isolation period. The phone can be used in the normal way despite the film.
As a rule, an isolation patient’s room always has a smartphone with the Medanets app, because nothing may be taken out of the room. Medanets is incredibly convenient in these cases in particular!
Pomeliina Saarinen, nurse
Mobile solutions as part of the world’s most humane hospital
Kanta-Häme is building a new central hospital, the Ahvenisto hospital, or Assi. In the world’s most humane hospital, the quality of care and patient safety are the starting point in everything. Mobile solutions are strongly involved in the vision. Pomeliina Saarinen and Jenna Järvinen perceive that the hospital district is open-minded about new tools. There have also been opportunities for testing and using the tools in practical work.
Jenna Järvinen says that the Medanets app has also been used in motivating nurses in their work. Additional features can be acquired for the app on the basis of the need and level of use.
In the webinar, someone from the audience also asked about the possibility of using the Medanets app in teaching. You can read more about this topic here!
Webinar partners
Ensuring the correct balance between information security and usability from the points of view of technology and users is critical to the successful deployment of mobile solutions. Imprivata Mobile is a solution in Imprivata’s digital identity management suite that makes it easier to achieve that balance. With the solution, user-specific profiles are created for jointly used mobile devices, ensuring the users’ quick access to all required apps and data so that the user can be changed in a few seconds.
CSIT Finland Oy
CSIT focuses on developing secure identity and access management solutions and services, primarily for healthcare customers in Finland. In addition to software solutions designed in co-operation with customers, CSIT represents Imprivata in Finland.
Medanets helps healthcare professionals improve patient safety, quality of care and experience through superior mobile solutions and human touch. Developed together with healthcare professionals, the mobile app enables safe and efficient nursing workflows, supports decision-making and leaves time for the most important thing, which is caring for the patients. The application integrates with EHR systems and is used in more than 50 hospitals and primary health care units in the Nordics.