Medanets features

Automatically created care activities guide work

The Care Activities feature of the Medanets app keeps healthcare professionals up-to-date on their tasks.

At its simplest, the Medanets Care Activities feature shows the user orders and activities related to the patients and lets the user mark them as done. At its best, the app and the EHR system can utilise intelligent logic to identify patient risk and create automatic care activities and notifications from them.

Medanets Care Activities

The Medanets app updates the care activities in real time. Information is gathered from various sources, such as the electronic health record, patient monitors, third-party systems and the Medanets app itself. The nurse or doctor can carry out the care activities of the patient they are responsible for and mark them as completed. As a shift goes on, the mobile app will remind the user about future and potentially overdue activities.

Every minute counts in acute cases

Care activities can be created automatically based on pre-defined threshold values. It is possible to set threshold values, for example, for the patient’s basic information and health indicators. The professionals who participate in the patient’s care receive real-time notifications of new care activities on their smartphones.

The care activities support the workflows and memory – if they are automated, the process becomes even more streamlined. Real-time notifications of new care activities enable sharing the information on the patient’s condition and future activities seamlessly between different professionals, which ensures that the patient receives the care they need as soon as possible. Every minute counts in acute cases!

The process in the app is always modified to comply with the customer’s process.

Examples of care activities and notifications

  1. Sepsis screening

The patient’s condition is estimated with the help of EWS (Early Warning Score). If the EWS exceeds the threshold value, the process launches sepsis screening automatically. If the screening gives reason to suspect an infection, the EHR generates a new care activity and immediately sends it to the smartphones of the care providers. This way, the sepsis is detected earlier and the treatment can be started right away.

  1. Early detection of acute kidney injury

An electronic health record that uses intelligent logic can detect the risk for acute kidney injury by analysing the patient’s basic information and health indicators. The EHR automatically creates a care activity that reaches the relevant professionals immediately through their mobile devices. Early detection is the key to treating acute kidney injury, which means that every minute counts!

It is possible to display the patients with an increased risk of acute kidney injury to the risk assessment team across the hospital using the Worklists feature.

  1. Detecting a collapse in the patient’s condition

If the EWS exceeds the specified threshold value, the app creates a care activity for a new EWS measurement after a certain period. It is also possible to create regular care activities for patients, for example, measuring the vital signs once every six hours. The automatic care activities ensure that the patient’s vitals are monitored regularly, which can prevent possible adverse events.

+ 2 examples of another kind use cases

  1. Psychiatric ward

A psychiatric patient leaves the ward to go out. A nurse creates a care activity for the outdoor time on the Medanets app. They also specify the time by which the patient should return to the ward. The nurse marks the care activity as completed when the patient returns to the ward.

On the worklist, the nurses see at a glance which patients have returned to the ward from their outdoor time and which have not. Care activities can also be equipped with an automatic alert. For example, if a patient should have returned to the ward in two hours, the nurse is triggered about the open activity in 2.5 hours.

  1. Hospital chaplain

A hospital chaplain does not need clinical information in their work, they only need to know which patients to visit. The Medanets app can be configured so that hospital chaplains only have access to the care activities and worklists that are relevant for their work. In other words, they can only access information that is needed for their role.

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