
Explore solutions that transform nursing care

The Medanets mobile solutions have been developed based on customer needs. Our key focus areas are patient safety, workflow efficiency, cost reduction and care provider experience. Every feature and characteristic of the app is designed to make healthcare work easier by reducing the burden of documentation and duplication, and delivering efficient decision making.

The app releases time to care. It helps healthcare professionals save lives.

With Medanets, even network shortages do not compromise care: the app works offline. The content, such as terminology and instructions are also customisable.

Medanets Observation values

Overall picture

At the beginning of my shift, I check the overall situation of the patients on the ward on the app. I also filter the list to see my patients’ statuses. I can quickly see whose condition is stable, and who needs more clinical attention. To be on top of my care activities during the shift, I check them on the mobile too – it seems patient in room number 1 needs his medication soon. It’s such a relief not having to memorise everything!

Patient observations

Patient observations

I’m always on the move but luckily so is the data about my patients. For example, I can easily see what the latest vital signs of the patient were and if the patient has any allergies. I can record new observation values straight to the EHR. My colleagues can see them right away. No more notes in my pockets, no more duplicated or delayed entries.

Continuous assessment

How are my patients really doing? I complete nursing assessments, such as Braden Risk Assessment and Morse Falls Risk Assessment by the bedside on the app to identify potential risks simmering beneath the surface. I notice that the patient has a high Early Warning Score, although they appear to be doing well. The app prompts me to escalate this concern and complete further assessments like sepsis screening. I can complete both actions straight away from the app.

The sepsis screening result seems alarming, too. Thankfully this information was directly shared with my colleagues and added to their worklist. Help is on the way as we can escalate patient care immediately!


It’s time for medication administrations. I always have up-to-date information and instructions about a patient’s medication at my fingertips. I can also document a patient’s medication administration on the mobile app quickly and safely. These are vital parts of patient care on the ward! Through positive patient and medication identification, I ensure the medication is right at the time of administration.


In my work, there are many situations where it is important to get quick confirmation or have information shared with the right people. I don’t want to end up calling around or finding the right doctor. Therefore, I use instant messaging to connect with my colleagues. Information between us is relayed in real time and as a bonus I can link clinical content to the chat. A screenshot of the most recent values in a graph format, for example.



My shift is at the end. A lot happened during the day. Fortunately, the EHR and mobile app communicate to each other, and relevant patient information is shared in real time. I also wrote short care notes on mobile throughout the shift, so there’s no need for handwritten post-it notes with patient data to be left in my pocket. The care activities I couldn’t complete during my shift will be shown to the nurses taking over the care after my shift ends. I can go home knowing that patients are well looked after.


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