Medanets joins Finnish high-level visit to Norway
Medanets has been invited to join a high-level visit to Norway. This is a unique opportunity to explore cooperation opportunities and showcase Finnish innovations on a Nordic stage.
Sneak Peek: More doctors’ workflows on mobile
We have enhanced our solution again to better fulfil clinicians' needs for mobility.
Sneak Peek: Dark mode coming soon!
Get ready for a chic, eye-friendly experience!
Enhancing efficiency and experience using device integration workflow with Medanets
The Kymenlaakso wellbeing services county in South-East Finland will soon introduce a long-awaited solution that will save time and streamline care work.
Understanding AI’s potential in healthcare: progress and next steps
To enable a systematic, responsible, and purposeful utilisation of AI in healthcare, certain key measures are necessary.
Exceptional growth prospects: Medanets from Finland succeeds in the healthcare market of the Nordic countries and the UK
Finland-based health technology supplier Medanets has grown its order book at an exceptional speed: new orders will at least double the company's turnover over the next three years. The new contracts will serve the healthcare needs of more than 10 million people in the Nordic countries and the UK.
Driving change in the medication management process: case Lahti, Finland
The Medanets Medication solution is being implemented at the Päijät-Häme Central Hospital in Lahti, Finland. The implementation is part of a broader framework that has been under development for some time.
The power of prevention: sustainable solutions for patient safety
Over 50% of adverse events in healthcare are preventable. Lives and resources are lost due to these avoidable incidents, but with the right strategies, patient safety can be significantly improved.
Redo att förbättra sårdokumentationen? Medanets och imito hjälper er!
Traditionell sårdokumentation förlitar sig ofta på manuella undersökningar och flera olika enheter som kameror och datorer. Tänk om det gick att påskynda processen och samtidigt förbättra precisionen?
Kritisk information tillgänglig på ett ögonblick: Patientkortets möjligheter
Medanets Patientkort-funktion har fått positiv respons från yrkespersoner inom hälso- och sjukvården, särskilt för dess användarvänlighet och lyckade helhet.
Standardisering av journalsystem: Användningen av Medanets utökas i Egentliga Finlands välfärdsområde
Systemuppdateringar och utökad användning av Medanets bidrar tillsammans till en mer enhetlig och smidig patientvård under hela vårdprocessen.